An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Framework in Sports

Summary: This article typically focuses on the contribution and importance of Artificial Intelligence in the Sports industry. It also provides an overall introduction to AI in Sports and highlights the increasing demand for AI tools in the sports industry. Read the full article to enrich your knowledge of AI in the sports world. We are heading forward to a technology-rich future. The new innovations in artificial intelligence have completely transformed how we used to analyze sports. This technology has truly made the sports world smarter with predictive analysis and real-time statistics. Sports forecasting has changed with the contribution of artificial intelligence. AI in sports has an important role to play in improving players’ performance and improving the analyzing skill of the coaches. Take a Look at the Incredible Statistics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Sports The global AI sports market is expected to hit $19.9 by 2030. Naturally, this would impact the CAGR at the ...